
Liquid Story Binder -- essential app for creative writers

First of all, sorry for my laziness with the updates. I've got some good entries on the assembly line, so keep an eye out. I'm also currently producing the third episode of Trailer Trashing, which you should expect sometime in the next week.

So, I am a creative writer, first and foremost. Writing fiction is my truest passion, stretching back as far as I can remember. But, like all writers, I struggle often and terribly. Writer's block is a hideous, hideous thing. For me, personally, writing is an arduous, torturous process, more often than not resulting in frustration and loss of motivation. I often feel like I'm tearing the words out of my mind through brute force, struggling through each sentence like it was thick mud. And yet, if I may quote a professor of mine, "I hate writing. I love having written something."

But there's a program out there that, though it doesn't offer any inspiration, makes the whole process a hell of a lot easier. It's called Liquid Story Binder XE, and it just might be my favorite free app* on the web.

It allows you to outline, organize, customize. And the best feature? A full-screen word processor. That means no email notifications or blinking message windows to distract you from your work. For creative writers, this is an essential program. Try it out and let me know what you think!

* EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that this app is only free for 30 consecutive days.


  1. As far as I know, this is not a free application. Version 2.61 is $45.95 US dollars.
    It is a feature-rich and very complex program. It gets the job done, but it might be overkill and a source of distraction in itself.

  2. Thanks for the comment. The application is free, however. The "trial" version simply requires you to use the program at least once every 30 days.

  3. I think this is NOT a free application. You can try it out for 30 non-consecutive days.

    From their website:

    "Liquid Story Binder is a shareware product. You can download it absolutely free, with no restrictions or limitations. It is completely functional with all available features included within the download. Yet, after a period of 30 non-consecutive days of use, Liquid Story Binder will cease to work.

    When this occurs, you may decide to uninstall Liquid Story Binder, or purchase a special registration code that will allow you to keep using Liquid Story Binder indefinitely. There is no obligation for you to buy, just test out the software to see if it fits your specific needs.

    If you like what you see, return to our website and purchase your $45.95 registration key. The code will be sent to you by email."



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