
Fox News: Alaska is right next to Russia

Fox News, being the initiative-takers that they are, finally discovered where Alaska is located -- RIGHT NEXT TO RUSSIA!

My. Dear. God. I truly have no words.


  1. Yes. Because governors are involved in foreign diplomacy.

    Fox News has some of the worst, most unreliable news coverage in the U.S. I do not understand how some people think they're better. I never will.

  2. But, Jess: ALASKA IS NEXT TO RUSSIA! Right next door! You can walk from Alaska to Russia!

  3. I mean, I should specify: Yes, Russia and Alaska, geographically, are relatively close. Closer than the Eastern U.S. and Europe, definitely. But the guy acts like Palin is going to have to deal with Russia in Alaska.

  4. I don't think that's what he was saying. It's only 55 miles between Russia and Alaska. For perspective, that's a little over the distance between here and Seattle. It takes us 40 mins. to an hour to drive there.

    I don't think he was implying that it was within walking distance. While what he said was stupid, he wasn't wrong geographically.

  5. No, not geographically. But that's like saying that Christine Gregoire has foreign relations experience because Washington borders Canada. What a twit.

  6. Yes, and that is what I addressed in my initial comment.

    Basically the comment was stupid because it was irrelevant and ignorant, not because it wasn't factually true.

  7. I wasn't disagreeing with you. Just the way he phrased it was hilarious. "Right next door." Even if they are geographically close, I doubt they have anything to do with each other.

  8. Holy mo Fox News. In a word: wtf?


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